Imprint Pilates, Yoga, yoga Toronto, Downward dog pose, Yoga assisted


Imprint Yoga provides small intimate classes in our beautifully warm and sunlit studio. At Imprint we encourage you to experience your personal asana (posture) practice and yoga philosophy at your own pace, to suit your individual growth and evolution. We are dedicated to providing clear and detailed instruction, and to support your journey, whether you are a beginner or well seasoned practitioner.


The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root “yuj”, meaning to “yoke” or “bind”. It is interpreted in English as “union” or “joining” all aspects of ourselves. The practice of yoga then is a life-long study and discipline of self-practice and contemplation experienced through “asana”, which are the physical postures, and “meditation”, which is the quiet, and internal practice of the observances of the mind. By practicing asana and meditation we deeply connect and unite all individual parts of ourselves as a whole, to bring happiness, peace and calm to our whole being.

It is believed that the Indian sage Patanjali was the first to have realized the practice of yoga and he documented the yoga aphorisms thousands of years ago in what is known as the Yoga Sutras. It is a philosophical guide of 196 verses divided into 4 chapters that contain the knowledge and instruction to help explain and bring understanding to the principles and practices of the art and science of yoga and meditation. Outlined in the Sutra’a are the eight limbs of yoga: Yamas (restraints), Niyamas (observances), Asana(poses), Pranayama(Breathing), Pratyahara ( withdrawal of senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (Enlightenment). Today’s yoga practices mainly focus on the third limb, asana, which are the physical poses that purify the body, and the seventh limb, Dhyana, which is the quiet practice of meditation. Practicing consistently has proven to help mental calmness and stress reduction in our daily lives.

Imprint Pilates, Yoga, Yoga meditation, Mindfulness yoga, yoga asana, Toronto Yoga

Imprint Pilates, Yoga, Yoga bolsters, Yoga mats, Yoga blankets, meditation cushion, Bosu, yoga studio

New to yoga

Yes, yoga is for you! Many believe that they must be very flexible or strong to begin a yoga practice, but yoga is for everyone at any stage! Some of the benefits of yoga are to help improve flexibility, strength and reduce stress and anxiety. We encourage and welcome you to come just as you are and our yoga teachers will help guide you along your journey to new-found health and well-being.


Yoga is as deep as you want it to be. You will reap the benefits of yoga even if you only practice once per week. To embark on a journey of deeper growth and transformation, practicing several times per week will help you create lasting changes in your life. After some time, you will naturally feel that your practice increases. Most importantly, take great care to listen to your body and how it feels and that will help guide you to establish your weekly regime.


Today we are faced with over-active minds as a result of excess external stimulation and the stress and pressures of day to day living. Yoga assists us to turn our attention internally to reflect and bring discipline and focus to our lives.

prenatal & Postnatal Yoga

Strengthen to support your baby while working your abdominals gently and safely all at the same time.  Through guided efficient movement patterns, you will relieve discomfort in the lower back and body as it changes. Our Pre and Postnatal Pilates, Yoga and TRX classes create a sense of centring, alignment and balance for your bodybuilding postural awareness throughout your pregnancy and postpartum recovery.  We focus on strengthening and toning the arms legs & back-side. Our instructors are trained to safely guide you throughout your pregnancy from beginning to end and will provide necessary modifications required for each trimester and stage as needed to suit our client’s individual needs.  We encourage you to move at your own pace and encourage breaks to keep exertion levels manageable. Exercises prescribed are ideal to prepare the body for labour and will ease the transition of postnatal recovery. Private instruction is our focus and in those sessions, you will utilize all the equipment safely.  Our specific group classes are designed for both beginner mom-to-be but also welcomes those mom-to-be whom have practiced regular Pilates or Yoga prior to being pregnant. We encourage clients to have taken some private sessions if they have never practiced Pilates before joining group training classes. We always ask that you are cleared by your GP to practice Pilates for Pregnancy. A healthy mind and body is a wonderful way to begin one of life's greatest journeys! And you will get a great workout! 
